A little background…..DH hates fish. Every time I cook fish he eats it like an 8 year old who hates fish. Fork held between just two fingers, wrist bend down, food slowly brought to the mouth, you can hear the creaking of the jaw as his mouth opens ever so slowly to take the bite. And somehow I always make fish the nights he didn’t eat lunch and is super hungry…and hence a bit disappointed by the meal.
More background…
4:10 today: rushing out the door to soccer, listening to my soccer-playing son complain, “I don’t want to go to soccer, I don’t think I’m signing up for soccer again” and looking forward to the hour that my 2 girls and I sit bored chit-chat with other bored moms and work on making tutus:
5:30pm today: on the way home from soccer practice, I am driving 3 crazies being driven crazy by 3 darling children, all complaining about what’s for dinner….”I hate fish” the first one says….the second one doesn’t miss a beat “I hate fish” ….third one chimes in “Grandma hates fish”……third one adds “Mommy, I love everything you make”…….”OH I love YOU!!” And the first one barks back "You don't love me cause I don't like your fish?" And then the strangest thing, this song came on and it was silent in my car for 3 min. 26 sec., SILENT. At any rate, the car ride home was loud and obnoxious and met with multiple complaints about the meal to come.
5:45pm: 2 girls are happily drenching fish in flour and breadcrumbs, running the mini-chopper and peeling garlic. 1 boy is out front playing soccer by himself.
Fish –n- “Chips”
1.5 pounds (needed 2.5 lb) Wild Alaskan Cod (Frozen, from Costco, rated “Best choice” by Seafood Watch the website that tells you which fish is healthy to eat and sustainable)
½ ish cup flour (whole wheat of course!)
1/3 ish cup Old Bay Seasoning
1 egg
splash half & half
Panko bread crumbs
Canola Oil
Salt and Pepper
Cut fish into strips.
Set-up a station of 3 bowls:
1) flour and Old Bay Seasoning
2) egg, beaten, with splash of half & half
3) panko bread crumbs
Pour enough oil in a cast iron skillet to cover the bottom without having to circle it around manually on the pan…..heat skillet over medium flame. Sprinkle salt and pepper on fish. Drench fish in flour
....then egg
Set the fish pieces aside until you have prepared them all so they can cook together. Fill skillet with fish (took me two batches to cook it all) and cook in oil for about 4 minutes, then flip for about 2-3 minutes and then try to flip to each side that hasn’t touched the oil yet for about a minute each side. My fish were kinda thick chunks, so maybe less time if you have thinner strips. Drain on paper towels. Serve with cilantro sauce, below.
Cilantro-lime-Sriracha dipping sauce
2 cloves garlic
small bunch cilantro (I bought a package from TJ’s and used the whole thing)
1/3 cup lite mayo
¼ cup non-fat yogurt
splash half n half (~ 2 TBS)
1-2 TBS Sriracha Hot Sauce
juice of 1 ½ limes
Starting with garlic and cilantro, blend all ingredients in a mini-chopper or food processor.

Remember all those complaining children? They ALL asked for seconds, some thirds. Finally I had to say "No, I ran out!" And best of all, even DH asked for thirds! He was bummed I didn’t cook more fish! WHAT?!?!
So like I said, this post was supposed to be about these tutus I am making for my girls. By the way, they have not taken their ballet shoes off since I bought them yesterday at 9am. They begged to wear them all day yesterday, needing to be carried to and from the car (since you can’t walk outside in them) and insisted on wearing them to bed. And did they forget about them today, NO! They took them off for gymnastics (not sure why) but had them on the rest of the day. So to go with their ballet shoes, I am making them some new tutus with this great no-sew tutu idea I got from a friend (and later found hundreds of YouTube videos on the subject). I’ll do a more detailed post when I finish, but here’s the preliminary.
You start with strips of tulle. I kept thinking my picture was out of focus, so to prove it wasn’t, I included the ribbon in the picture, too.

much cuter “on”. But here’s a sneak peak:
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