
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Happy First Birthday!

Hi Friends and Family!! 
Today marks the 1 year anniversary of my first ever blog post!
I started this blog one year ago today to chronicle the renovation of my master bathroom….and today I was all set to post the absolute final “After” post of the master bath {you know, the “Studs-to-Spa-in-3-weeks- bathroom”}…but I’m not quite finished {that 3 week deadline came and went so fast!}  But really the only thing left to do is paint the crown molding…but I can’t into the bathroom:
But I’m not complaining.  In less than a week, I’ll have a not only a spa bathroom{here is the most recent “almost finished” post} , but a master suite that’s really a peaceful, get-away sanctuary. 
Part way through day 1 and almost all of the new wood has been installed.
Tomorrow the sanding begins.
So, I’ll just wait on the crown molding in the bathroom for a few more days.  In the meantime, I’ve finished painting the ceiling of the master bedroom…and chosen a new color for the wall in less than an hour!  Did you catch that?  I actually picked a new color for my master bedroom straight from the swatch in less than an hour.
An H.O.U.R.
No mixing custom colors, no adding a drop of this or that, no testing 7 different shades of the same color {no insanity}…just boom, I looked at 3 strips of 4 colors each, narrowed it down to 3 colors in less than 5 minutes and then picked the final color shortly after that!  You’ll have to stay tuned to find out what that color is. Smile!


  1. Happy Blogversary! So glad you are here and That I've met you!
    I love what we're seeing here...beautiful!!
    Ill bet you are loving it!!
    Cant wait to see your final reveal!
    Hubby is doing a fantastic job!!!

    Deborah xoxo


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