
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Picture of the Day {bet you’ve never seen THIS!}


Need an explanation?

I am dusting the cobwebs off the ceiling of my master bedroom, getting it ready to be painted.

Wanna see more craziness?


This is my “bedroom”, aka the playroom.  Do you like the window coverings?  My attempt to block the street light from spotlighting us all night.  Sheesh!  My kids think it’s the coolest fort mommy has ever built. 


Here’s the playroom from another angle…you’ll see my headboard/footboard, all the clothes from both of our closets and several dressers:


Someone else snuck in that pic!

I’ve been getting dressed in the living room:


Oh and the living room is also multi-tasking: storing the new oak floor boards as they acclimate and also the baseboards hiding on the left.

Got more time?

Two years ago we replaced {almost} all of the carpet in our house with hardwood floor.  Well, that’s not really true, the whole house already HAD hardwood floor…upon ripping up the old carpet, we discovered that virtually the entire house was covered in solid oak wood planks.  We had to add some new boards to the kitchen and then had the whole thing sanded and stained {you think I have trouble picking paint…you have no idea the pain it caused me picking out a stain that would cover ALL the floors in my house for the next 20 years…oh the pressure!}  I ended up making a custom blend of 4 parts ebony and 1 part mahogany…but that’s yet another post {I know you don’t have time for that story today!} 

At any rate, the entry, hallway, great room, dining room, kitchen and kids’ bedrooms all were refinished at the same time and I couldn’t be happier!  I wouldn’t have picked oak if I were starting from scratch, but I have to admit, I LOVE it and I can’t imagine anything else. 

But as the budget would have it, we didn’t have enough to finish our master bedroom {why is it that we always prioritize the master bedroom dead last??}  Our master bedroom underwent an addition years before I was born moved in and therefore only about 1/4 of the floor had the original hard wood…the rest was just plywood under carpet. 


You can see above where the hardwood stops and the plywood starts.  And there’s my two-timing husband {he works a full time day job and comes home to hours of work on the house after the kids are in bed…the sweet guy}


So we got the floor all ripped up last night and then it dawned on me…if we’re ever gonna paint the ceiling {right now it’s a sad dingy old white beige} right now is the time.  The hardwood floor guys come on Wednesday morning, we have exactly 24 hours left to paint the ceiling or forever stare at yellow every morning for the next 30 years.  Of course, the choice is obvious…there I was at the paint store this morning.  And that brings us back to Doe!


Just prepping the ceiling.  Where do all those spiders hide in the day?  They sure had an extensive highway system mapped out.   Ewwwww!


After bedtime tonight, you’ll find me with my favorite guys: Benny, Purdy and my dear Hubby….And tomorrow morning, bring on the dust!  Smile!


  1. Wow! Can't wait to see your reveal!
    Ceilings are no fun to paint but once you're done you'll be so relieved :)
    Sweet hubby to work so hard!
    Don't forget to show and tell!

    Deborah xo

  2. woah!!! That's a big project you've tackled, I mean those spiders are a massive undertaking!!!! There should truly be medals or prizes for making it through that....seriously....hate em! Bright side you are going to get mom of the year for your fabulous fort making skills :)
    Good luck and can't wait to see the finished project!

  3. Love the umbrella! This is a huge project, but I can't wait to see the final product!

  4. My parents' family room had that old popcorn ceiling. My brother taped a putty knife to a broom handle and scraped it all off. He looked exactly like your picture but he was too proud for an umbrella so he wore goggles to cover his eyes and bandannas around his head and mouth. DIY projects like these are priceless!

  5. Does that pose bring back memories of the balance beam?

  6. I hope you didn't kill any of those spiders, you know me "catch and release". Anyway in less than an hour, REALLY. Hard to believe you picked out a color. I'm very proud of you, keep up the good work. Can't wait to see the final product. Love Aunt Jayne


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