
Thursday, January 27, 2011

Tutorial: {A Valentine’s Day} Tea Party Invitation

My daughters and I are hosting a tea party in a few weeks and I wanted to share our invitations with you. Although these are quite pink and pretty darn girly, you can use the idea for any style invite! {Those pink rectangles on the last one are just there to cover up my address…not ready to give that out to blogland!}
I'm crazy about banners right now.  I modeled these after the Valentine's Day Banner I made a couple of weeks ago.
invite edited
Materials needed:
Fancy printed craft/scrapbook paper
Solid card stock in coordinating color(s)
A printer {or nice handwriting}
Fancy edge scissors
Mini clothespins {my latest obsession}

Step 1:
Print out your wording on the solid card stock.
Step 2:
Cut a template triangle that fits over the wording.
{The rectangular pieces of white paper are just there to cover my address.}
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Step 3:
Trace around each section of working using your triangular template and cut them out using fancy craft scissors.
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Step 4:
Create a larger triangular template to use on your scrapbook paper.
To make a nice isosceles triangle {two longer equal sides and one shorter side} draw your short side first. Then find the middle of it using a ruler. My short side is 7 inches, so
the middle of mine is at 3 1/2 inches.  Make a little mark there.
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Draw a line straight down from your mark, longer than you want the triangle to be.
And now draw a line from one of your corners to that middle line, making sure the new line you draw is LONGER than the original line you began with.  Mine was 7 inches.  So my longer side is going to be about 9 inches.
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Do the same from the other corner to meet up with the middle line as well.January 2011 043
Now cut it out and there’s your template.

Step 5:
Using your larger template, cut out scrapbook paper pieces for your background.January 2011 107
I traced the triangles on the back of the scrapbook paper and drew them all out before cutting to try to fit the most in as possible {sharing sides wherever I could.}
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Step 6:
Glue the wording triangle to the scrapbook paper triangle.
Step 7:
Use a mini clothespin {found at most craft stores} to attach the banner to a ribbon.
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“Put on your fancy dress and borrow mommy’s pearls, then please come join us for tea with the girls!
invite close up edited

Step 7:
Dab a little glue on the corners of the banner to hold it down to the ribbon {if you like.}
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January 2011 117
Step 8:
Rinse, Repeat!all invited edited

If you make any invites like this, please leave a comment with a link below!  I’d love to see your creations.

You might also like:

I linked up at these great parties!


Fancy This Show and Tell Green


  1. Did you say you taught math?
    It shows in your work.

  2. mavis E. ButterfieldJanuary 28, 2011 at 8:45 AM

    Did she teach Math??? She is the QUEEN of Math. Whenever I have a numbers related thing I can't figure out, she's the first person I call. . .well, the only person I call actually. : )

  3. Yes, yes, math was my thing. I find I need so much math in crafting, sewing and especially house projects like board and batten and moulding! Toss me your woodworking math questions any day!

  4. Cute, Cute, Cute!!! I want to hose a fancy tea party now! ;) Thanks for linking to Fancy This Fridays!!

  5. Thank you for linking to my hodgepodge party! Love it! Wanted to let you know that I featured this on my wrap-up.

  6. What a great idea! I will have to try this. Stopping by from Debbie's newbie party ... I'd love if you visited!


  7. luv luv the wreath...
    Don't forget to link this at our weekly link party every Wednesday,

    thank you,

  8. Hi I am a new follower and love what you have been doing. Great job.

  9. Thanks everyone for all the sweet comments on these invites! I loved making them and so much enjoy reading your comments :-)


Thanks for reading! I LOVE your comments and appreciate the time you take to write them. I welcome questions and promise to answer them!
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