
Monday, January 31, 2011

I've been featured, again and again!

I just got home after spending a week out of town for my father-in-law's my blogging has taken a backseat to my family. 

 But I came home to some exciting blogging news: I was featured!  And not just once, but twice!  I was featured last week just as all of this was happening, and again today, and never got a chance to thank those who featured me. 

Ok, let me back up a few words. 
 What does it mean to be featured? 
Well, to a new any blogger {insert: ME} it means a lot!  When you are featured, another blogger creates a post in which your blog is highlighted.  So now everyone who reads that blog will read about my blog!  It's a HUGE compliment as well as a wonderful opportunity to attract new readers. So anytime someone features me, it makes me feel special.  Someone out there is actually reading all of my ramblings, and {dare I say} enjoying it!  So thank you!  Thank you to all those who have featured me thus far.  You have no idea how much I appreciate it!

Follow me Wednesday at 3 Four and Under:

Craft DIY Ideas
and all by ITSELF {eeeeeeee!}  at Truly Lovely
Feature Button

AND {boy did that wreath treat me well!} at Mo Momma: Saving Momma Money! {and DO I like to save money!}

So now I'll be settling back into our "normal" routine and getting back to my projects!


Today I sorted through my wood for my kitchen island {but was out of "blog" mode and forgot to take pictures!}  But stayed tuned for my Restoration Hardware inspired kitchen island to start progressing soon!

Here are the boards I worked on first:

And here's my inspiration:

But mine will have a marble top.  Eeeeeeee, I'm getting excited!


  1. mavis E. ButterfieldJanuary 31, 2011 at 10:10 PM

    nice wedding photo. . .i remember that day!!!

  2. May his life continue in peace through his children and grandchildren.

  3. Yep! That wreath is AWESOME! :)

    So sorry for your loss!!

  4. Hi Celeste, please add my link or button as well. This was the first of many newbie linky parties and I would like for them to run according to my guidelines...please go read them.
    Looks like you have made some new friends will this is fun!

  5. Your wreath is winning on the MoMomma Valentine's day vote! I can't wait to re-create it this week, Mo-Momma style of course!


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