
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Favorite {and healthy–ish} Scone Recipe

I haven’t posted a recipe in quite some time and decided with Valentine’s Day coming up I’d share my favorite scone recipe with you.  It’s super easy and the scones are DELISH! 
{and wAAAy healthier than the ones from Starbucks the coffee shop} 
A perfect way to start the day with the one(s) you love.

I got this recipe from a friend of a friend a while ago and really haven’t tweaked it any much…but I’m gonna tell you how you can!

~2 cups flour {Ok, I have tweaked it….I use half whole wheat flour and half white, or all white whole wheat…but I won’t lie, they do taste best with all white}
~1/4 cup sugar
~1 teaspoon baking powder
~1/2 teaspoon baking soda

~1/4 teaspoon salt
~1 stick cold butter {cubed into small chunks}
~1/3 cup plain yogurt
~1/3 cup cranberries*
~1 teaspoon orange rind {oops, I tweaked it again!  I have used tangerine AND lemon rind, both with huge success} Why is there a Brittney Spears song in my head now? Oh that’s bad.
~1 egg
~1 egg, divided
Heat oven to 350o.
Mix flour, sugar, powder, soda, and salt. Cut in butter until crumbly- like little peas**.  Add yogurt, rind, cranberries, 1 egg and 1 egg yolk {save the white, you’re gonna use it soon}. Knead until a ball forms. Add flour if you find it really sticky…you don’t want it totally sticking to your fingers. Form it into balls….or HEARTS! Brush with egg white and splash with water.
Bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden.  ENJOY***!!
Ok, now some side notes.

*You can use so many different dried fruits, like raisins, cherries-chopped, strawberries, etc……OR you can use CHOCOLATE CHIPS! You may or may not want to add the orange rind if you use chocolate chips…up to you whether you like those 2 flavors together…think: those orange chocolate balls that split open when you hit them against the wall. Know what I’m talking about?
**So I used a blender to cut in the butter for the first time last week, and found it worked so much better than when I used a fork. I think you need a high power blender, one that can grind grains, for it to work easily. Or maybe try a food processor?  Or just do it by hand… be sure to take lots of breaks to relieve the hand/arm cramps. The smaller the butter pieces you start with, the easier.
***When I make these with cranberries or other fruit, I love to serve them with Trader Joe’s Lemon Curd. 
It is A-MA-ZING.
You might find me crazy, but sometimes I make scones JUST to have an excuse to eat lemon curd.
 mmmm m.

{I think I should add this to my favorite Trader Joe’s items!}


Shape –em into hearts and serve some to your Valentine{s}.
Do you treat your Valentine to any treats? What do you like to make?

January 2011 026
Speaking of Valentine’s Day…you might be interested in: IMG_1503My Valentine Wreath or “Be Mine” banner.

I linked up to these great parties!
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!

Fancy ThisPhotobucket


  1. mavis E. ButterfieldFebruary 8, 2011 at 10:38 PM

    Those look GREAT. . .cute heart shaped idea too. Being an ex-baker, my waistline is glad that I outgrew cravings for those types of sweets though. I think orange and chocolate are da Bomb together, that's my mother's favorite thing in the world. Let me know if you'd like my lemon curd recipe, it's not hard at all! If you start to raise chickens, you can make egg-white omlettes and use the yolks for the lemon curd!

  2. Those look really yummy. So cute that they are heart shaped. I'm so glad you stopped by and joined the party. I hope to see you again next week.

  3. I vote for chocolate, fruit belongs on trees

  4. some pallets appreciate orange and chocolate together. . .this is a recognized phenomena. not my personalized tastes, but worthy for sure AND belonging on earth and Tree!


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