
Monday, December 6, 2010

Holiday Craft {Ornaments} with KIDS!

I want to share a fun Christmas ornament craft you can do with kids of any age!

Does your mailbox look anything like mine in December?
I think we get 9,642  7 catalogs a day!
And they are so beautiful, with their glossy pages, festive pictures, super cute vignettes that I need to max my credit card out for knock my socks off, and gads and gads and GADS of toys!
My kids have been flipping through the pages for weeks, creating and re-creating their letters to Santa. I hate to just toss them into the recycling...but seriously after the 10th edition of the Pottery Barn Kids Christmas catalog, the pile gets a bit out of control. 

So........what's a girl to do so many holiday catalogs....make Christmas ornaments of course!

Here's what you'll need:

-A stack of catalogs
-Glass ball ornaments
-Mod Podge (from any craft store)

I have no chance of doing crafts by myself with two 3-year old girls in the house at all a 6 year old that will be quite disappointed to see he missed anything when he was at school. 
So this craft is especially designed for kids. 
And my kids spent over 2 hours working happily on it!

I handed the kids a plethora of funky scissors (the kind that make curved/jagged/crazy cuts) and a stack of their favorite catalogs.

Then they cut cut cut...anything and everything out that they loved: Star Wars galore, baby dolls, ballerinas, Santas, snowmen, anything pink, stars, presents, cupcakes, Legos, tutus. 
They would have cut for 2 hours had I let them!

Next you paint the Mod Podge on a glass ball (these are plastic!) with a paintbrush.
Stick all of your little cut-outs in a collage around the ball and then paint a thick layer of Mod Podge on top of the paper to get it to lay as flat as possible (small pictures work better...the huge cut-out of the Millennium Falcon was tough).

While the Mod Podge is still wet, sprinkle with glitter and hang to dry. 
That's it!

Before they dry, they look really goopy and white. My kids were all so bummed they covered it all with glue and were worried their images were hidden forever. But never fear, the Mod Podge dries clear!  And the glitter isn't showing up too well in the pics, sorry!

My kids had a blast making them and were so excited to hang them on our tree. They aren't necessarily the prettiest ornaments, but to the kids they are beautiful...and isn't that what really matters?
I know it might not seem like much of a project, but my kids loved it and are begging to do it again!
What else can you do with those stacks of catalogs?  Do share!

And if you come back tomorrow, I'll I also have up a super cute homemade monogrammed stocking craft. See it here.

If you haven't already checked out Centsationalgirl Kate's incredible Holiday Craft Linky Party....there's a big 'ol party you're missing! Get on over there while the glue guns are still hot and spray-on flocking still icy cold.  {Look for me, I'm #108, and the party doesn't officially start until tomorrow...that's how I roll.}

Happy Holiday Crafting!  Time for mama to get a little treat!
hint hint

Also linked up at Busy As A Bee {In Paris} linky party with holiday crafts with kids!  Check it out!


  1. Very cool idea! And how neat the kids can simply personalize to their given interests. Great kid craft for certain!


  2. Thanks so much Donna! It was a blast for them. Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for visiting.

  3. these are fun! i'm searching for ideas to make christmas fun and meaningful for children, would you link this up to my party?

  4. Thanks for inviting me to your party, Maria! Love your blog!

  5. They look awesome. I am partial to the Star Wars theme but everything pink is great too.

  6. Cute! I know I would've loved making those when I was little. I'm going to file this away for when my little girl is a little older! Thanks!

  7. Can't wait to try this one! Looks PERFECT for that brand new bottle of mod podge I picked up at Michael's! Can I post this on our blog?

  8. I linked over from Centsational Girl. I love this idea. I have loads of those catalogs as well. Please come check out my blog if you get a chance at I am your latest follower. I hope you will follow me back.

  9. @Melissa: Yes! Please do post on your blog. :-) Miss you!

    @Judy: Thanks for signing up, I really appreciate it! I love your site too and sign up as well.

  10. Thank you for sharing this wonderful idea on my blog party and for advertising my button. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas! hugs, Maria


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