
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monogrammed Christmas Stockings Craft

My crafty friend, Jess, whipped these up last weekend and I asked her if I could share. The cutest thing is that she made a "J" for Jess and an "L" for her new hubby, Lex. I  can imagine this would work for a lot of letters. And even those that didn't lend themselves to stockings, per se, would still look cute on the mantel even if they didn't open at the top.

Aren't they vibrant?

She found some gorgeous old remnants she had in her stash and came up with this
beautiful palette of red and natural/white. 

She made templates for the letter shaped stockings and then trimmed the patchwork pieces to fit over them.  Then the pieces were sewn together to create the front of the stocking.

 She chose a solid natural color for the back and lining. One solid piece of fabric was sewn to the wrong side of the front.  With right sides together, the back of the stocking is sewn to the front, leaving the top open, of course, for Santa to fill.  Turn the stocking right side out and use a dull pencil or knitting needle to push out the corners (you might even want to trim a little of the seam allowance around those corners to get it to lay flat.)  Hem the top under twice and add a little fabric loop under the hem and viola!  All ready for Christmas Eve.

I think they turned out adorable.
(Just make sure you save more of those remnant pieces for adding more stockings to your mantel one day! She's a newlywed, did I mention that?  Lucky man to have such a crafty gal taking care of him.)


  1. How do I make an "A" stocking? Cute.

  2. You could do an "A" if you did it as a block letter...with the top part kinda sqare instead of pointed. Then you can leave that top part open and have 2 sides to fill...and a special pocket in the middle (the cross of the A) for secret gifts.


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