
Friday, May 13, 2011

Oh they joys of technology!

Wasn’t life so much simpler when we didn’t have computers or cell phones?
Ok, don’t answer that….but seriously, we might not have been able to shop for anything in the world 24/7 {if it wasn’t at the local mall it didn’t exist}; we couldn’t price compare between 519 stores on Google shopping {and may have, sit down for this, paid $3 more for a pair of shoes than we needed to}; we might not have been able to research every possible kitchen design in the history of the modern world {but relaxed on the sofa at night, looking at pictures from a handful of glossy magazines}; we couldn’t reach everyone every second of the day {but then again WE couldn’t be reached every second of the day}; we couldn’t fire off emails/texts at lightening speed anytime a thought crossed our mind {we might have had to just sit on a thought for more than a half second, giving it time to digest}; we didn’t know what our old college roommate’s kid said at school today {but then again, we weren’t having to carve out time each day to fit in Facebook/Twitter/email}; we didn’t have all these amazing blogs that stress us out wondering how every other mom/blgoger seems to be able to do it all give us such incredible inspiration on every subject {but then again we didn’t have to worry about our blog’s first giveaway getting derailed half-way through because the server was down- seriously?
Ahhhh, life was so much simpler.
If you skipped that whole first paragraph…I admit, I usually just skip down to the first picture myself.  {A little ADD maybe?}
But if you did- Newsflash: Blogger {the server that hosts my blog} was down on and off for the last 48 hours and in the process, they had to delete and then repost my most recent post: My First Giveaway.
So all of the comments/entries that were made Wed. May 11 and Thurs. May 12 were, unfortunately, deleted.
If you do not see your entry in the comment section, and/or you know that you made you comment before Friday May 13, then please go ahead and re-enter.
So sorry that my first giveaway has run into a little snag, but they’re all up and running again {for the love of blogs: Please Blogger, I’m begging you, DON’T go down again.}
Oh and by the way….don’t comment to this post for your entry…please go back to my original post for the giveaway to enter!
Thanks for understanding and HAPPY WEEKEND!!!
Challenge for the weekend: Unplug for a few hours and spend some truly quality time with family. 
How simple their {above} life must be. Just a mama and a papa enjoying their babes.

1 comment:

  1. mavis E. ButterfieldMay 13, 2011 at 10:18 PM

    Those are my ducks. I've been tracking them ever since they were born. They are getting so big!!! I run around that lake 3 days a week and make sure I find my ducks. Last year, there were 8 babies, this year there only seem to be 6. . .


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