
Friday, April 22, 2011

A few things in our Easter Baskets {kitchen utensils for kids}

Hi there, and happy almost Easter! 

In thinking about Easter baskets for my kids this year, I want to include things that are cute and practical.
Since my kids all enjoy helping me in the kitchen, I found a few items that will hopefully inspire more culinary creativity...or at the least help make healthy food more "fun" to prepare and eat!

First up is this adorable set of "Buddy Learner's Chopsticks". 
Funny thing is, I didn't even know my son had any interest in chopsticks until last week.  When asked by my mother and sister-in-law what he'd like for his 7th-birthday dinner, I thought for SURE he'd request macaroni and cheese.  So I was shocked {and a little worried about the possible disappointment} to watch the dinner spread coming out and not seeing mac-n-cheese anywhere on the table. To my surprise, my dear son had requested "Chinese noodles I can eat with chopsticks".  Well, that's what he got!  But the trouble was, he had never used chopsticks before and hadn't a clue as to how to work them. So my husband secured one end together with a rubber band and he took it from there. But then when I saw these at Cost Plus World Market, it was a no-brainer! Guess mom'll be making more Chinese noodles in the near future.

Next up, also from World Market, is this pink piggy egg mold (which I will also use for pancakes and zucchini latkes and the like). 
 Both my daughters love pink {& one especially loves pigs!}  And they certainly enjoy pancakes and eggs as well. 

Finally, does it get any cuter? Check out this adorable mini whisk!   It's the perfect size for toddler hands.
I found it at Mollie Stones {a local market} but you can buy them on line from Amazon.
Both of my girls love making breakfast with me and especially love using the whisk for some reason.  When they use the big whisk, egg batter inevitably ends up on the counter, the floor, in the gap between the stove and counter, etc.  So this just might be the perfect solution {well, that and using a bowl 3 times bigger than we need}.

Ok, well that's all for now, folks.  Just wanted to share a few cute finds for the chefs in the family.

Happy Weekend!!

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