
Monday, April 25, 2011

A Few New {to me} Trader Joe’s Items

A while back you might recall {like if you’re my mom or one of my other VERY loyal readers} I wrote a post about my top 10 favorite Trader Joe’s Items. And as some of you may know, I do 80% of my grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s {with the other 20% being Costco- they have a great organic selection now, you know?}  So here are a few of my latest Trader Joe faves:

Nitrite Free Salami


I’ve been searching for this for a while now.  All the taste of salami without the nitrites, yay! It comes in two flavors: white wine and red wine…honestly I can’t taste the difference between the two…both yummy and both, you got it, nitrite free.

Next up is Crunchy Almond Butter with Flax Seeds.


Now, normally I like my flax seeds to be ground as the body can’t really digest the whole seeds…however, I’m not really eating this for the omega-3s…it’s just SO um um GOOD!  I’m not really an almond butter gal.  I’ve loved my sunflower seed butter for a loooong time…but this one, folks, has won me over.  If you’ve not liked almond butters in the past, give this one a try.  And did you know TJ’s will take it back if you don’t like it?  So it’s risk-free, too!  I put it on TJ’s whole wheat British muffins with a SMIDGE of super fruit spread on top.

Moving right along to the sweet stuff…I had never tried a crumpet until recently.  In fact, I only bought them after listening to a Disney Princess sing about the perfect princess tea…and my daughters asking for “crumpets please”. 


Can you say: Dessert for breakfast?  Uh, yeah, they’re that good.  You just gotta try them to see what I’m talking about. The nooks and crannies on these puppies can soak up three times as much butter as Thomas’ English Muffins…and make sure you use real butter!

As if the crumpets are good enough on the their own with a little{or a little more} butter…try adding a bit of this on top:


Lemon Curd. Enough said.

Though I do want to say one more thing while we’re on the subject, this stuff can make even the best scones taste that much better.

Finally, to make sure your table is always lookin’ it’s purdiest…at $1.29/bunch of 10, you might need more than one bunch.


The Daffodils are going fast, but boy are they fun to share table space with.

And if yellow isn’t your thing…


…you could go for the incredibly sweet scent of stock. And at under $3/bunch, you’ll think you’re hiking amongst the wildflowers each time you pass by.

{If you’re liking that aqua colored mason jar, see my tutorial here.}

Ok my friends, that’s all the shopping tips I have for you today!

What are your latest Trader Joe faves?  Or what have you always wanted to try but still haven’t?


  1. mavis E. ButterfieldApril 25, 2011 at 10:42 PM

    Ha Ha my girl!~ I have made an almond butter lover out of you after all! Glad you like it. . .super yumm!

  2. Ah NO2 NO3 free salami, if you would like a larger amount of salami, try the Costco uncured NO2 NO3 free salami $10.69 for 1.9 pounds = $5.62 per pound or 35 cents per ounce

  3. @Caughlin Ranch...what? I didn't know about the nitrite free salami at Costco! Thanks for the great tip!

  4. Lemon curd is really delicious on raisin bread, too! Yes, it is!


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