
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Sneak Peek this Week

Hi friends! I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and that you had a bit more sun than we did in California.  But not to worry, we didn’t let the rain stop us:
Do you know what you are looking at? 
 This is my husband working in our front courtyard on the crown molding for our master bathroom. {Maybe the courtyard should be a project in and of itself in the near future, ya think?!}
That umbrella is not up to shade him from the sun…it’s protecting him and the saw from the rain!
The crown is going up in our bathroom…just needs some caulk and paint now and it’s done.  D.O.N.E.  Not just the crown, but the whole bathroom!!  Shhhh, it’s only been a year.
Tour to come later this week…stay tuned! Smile!

Oh and on a separate note…I have some posts coming up about cooking and grocery shopping with kids…but I just want to make sure I keep it real and you know that I sometimes struggle with the best of –em….here’s a picture taken while cooking this evening with my darling children:
Nice, huh?

1 comment:

  1. mavis E. ButterfieldJune 1, 2011 at 9:10 AM

    If you would, please send DH over to my casa, as I really need him to build me a shoe closet. Thanks dude.


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