
Friday, February 11, 2011

Smoked Turkey with Arugula Mayo Tea Sandwiches

My girls and I hosted a tea party last weekend and I thought I’d share with you a few of the recipes for the tea sandwiches I made. {I already shared my scone recipe with you.}
We’ll start today with the
Smoked Turkey with Arugula Mayonnaise Aioli Tea Sandwiches.
I was first introduced to this recipe years ago at a friend’s baby shower. She got the recipe from and I Google it each and every time I serve these {a half dozen times}!
I think this time I really can say, I haven’t tweaked this recipe at all….we’ll see, though!
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaise (I use Trader Joe’s Reduced Fat Mayo)
  • 1/3 cup (packed) coarsely chopped arugula leaves plus 30 whole arugula  leaves
  • 1 tablespoon minced shallot
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon grated lemon peel
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 12 thin slices firm white sandwich bread, crusts trimmed 10 ounces thinly sliced smoked turkey
Mix mayonnaise, chopped arugula, shallot, parsley and lemon peel in small bowl. Season with salt and pepper.  

 IMG_2360IMG_2361 All 3 are staples in my cupboard.

And then I like to use the mini-prep to make the aioli. {Doesn’t Aioli sound so much fancier and healthier than mayonnaise?}
Place bread slices on work surface. Spread aioli mixture on each slice, dividing equally. Top 6 bread slices with turkey, dividing equally. 
Did you know Trader Joe’s sandwich meats are nitrite/nitrate free? Their ham and turkey both are.  I love Trader Joe’s!  {I’ve yet to find any salami that is nitrite/nitrate free…let me know if you know of one!}

Place 5 arugula leaves atop turkey on each. Top with remaining 6 bread slices, mayonnaise side down, pressing to adhere. Cut each sandwich diagonally into quarters. Be sure to use toothpicks, they really DO make sandwiches taste better {well, at least according to Fancy Nancy!} IMG_2419
IMG_2418 Enjoy!
I’ll share the rest of the sandos with you in the coming week.

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  1. I think TJ's has nitrite free salami!(I'm not sure if it has nitrates, but I try and avoid those too.) It's unrefrigerated, wrapped in paper, unsliced, and made with wine. I Googled it and found the salami here: and get it at Trader Joe's!

  2. mavis E. ButterfieldFebruary 12, 2011 at 9:47 AM

    Mmmm, they look delish! Almost makes me want to eat meat again! I love little tea sammies. . .so cute. PB and J's, cucumber/cream cheese etc. . .what a fun party idea!

  3. they look so yummy! I could eat them off the screen if I hadn't stuffed myself at brunch today.


  4. husband works at trader i get to have him bring me all the ingredients home so i can try this for dinner! yippie.

  5. Hi there! I found your blog through Tatertots and Jello. I love your projects and I love that you love Trader Joe's. My right now my freezer is only one thing that is not TJs (and that's a Morningstar Farms item that I bought there!)

    (Sorry that this is also a shameless plug on my blog as well as a hello comment, but I'm about to add you to my google reader and don't know how to comment from there :( )

  6. That looks so good! I love arugula and mixing it with mayo sounds delish. I am a big fan of Tj's too.


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