
Friday, January 7, 2011

The universe is a stage....

I just found this new tea I love...Yogi Green Tea Super Antioxidant.  Picked it up at Cost Plus and it's yummy, {almost} decaf with less than 1/4 the caffeine in coffee, and full of good for ya stuff.

But the thing I like the most I think is the little daily thoughts, or fortunes as I call them.  I loved today's so much, I just had to share...perfect for the New Year and my lack of resolution(s):

"The universe is a stage.  Your mind dances with your body, guided by your heart."
So, what are you waiting for?
Get out there and dance!

Have a FABULOUS weekend everyone!


  1. While you are at it (the weekend) share some smiles along the way.

  2. Will do for sure! Thanks for the nice comment!


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