
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My First Book Review!

Have I mentioned before that I don't really read much like to read? Well, I don't.  Books, that is.  I can read blogs 25 hours a day.  And I love magazines (though I mostly just look at the pictures). But I never got into books. I read the CliffsNotes whenever available and dreaded book reports.  I think it has something to do with that impatience problem I've mentioned before. At any rate, I am trying raise 3 little people who love to read, so I read to them
 "20 minutes a day" (usually longer!)

So this is new territory for me...writing a book review!  If you would have told me 20 years ago I'd be writing book reviews and ENJOY it, I'd have laughed at you for 20 years.  Guess kids change ya.
Ok, so here's the story.  Recently, I won a book gift pack of Fancy Nancy goodies from Pamela over at Marin Mommies {mmmmm-wa Pamela, we love it!}.  Some coloring books, sticker books, a Fancy Nancy doll and most importantly, Jane O'Connor's new book: 
It's such a cute book I thought I'd do a quick little review on it.

First, I will start by mentioning, this book is wonderful for 3-8 year old GIRLS (though my 6 year old son doesn't leave the room when we read it.)

Nancy is super-duper fancy! She's the only one in her family that is fancy and sometimes that can be hard. In this book, it is Nancy's little sister's birthday. Nancy buys a present for her during their "shopping spree" and also finds a lace fan that she adores {we all know that feeling!)  In order to have enough money to buy the fan for herself, Nancy sets up a
"Fabulous Fashion Boutique" {that's a fancy word for yard sale} and sells all of her old fancy things at a bargain- good girl.

A pair of twins visits her sale {this is one of my girls' favorite pages- go figure} One twin purchases a necklace that Nancy's younger sister wanted for herself.  Nancy's sister is devastated. 

As Nancy wraps her sister's present, she begins to feel badly that her sister will be disappointed not to receive the necklace.  So Nancy persuades the twin to sell it back to her and gives her a few "extras" for free. Now Nancy doesn't have enough money to buy the fan- a true shopping emergency.
She gives her sister the necklace for her birthday and she is "overjoyed" {that's super duper happy!} 
 But don't worry, I won't spoil the ending.  Smile!

My girls have requested this book every night since we got it a couple weeks ago.  The pictures are stunning and ....well, super fancy.  And the story is sweet with a nice moral and happy ending.

Best of all, the hard cover book is on sale at right now....only $8.99 and free super saver shipping.

Ok, folks, I first book report as an adult. 
How'd I do?

What's your family's favorite book at the moment?
I'm always looking for new gems.

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE fancy Nancey! SUCH cute books! And so girly too! :) That's the best part!

    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog.
    Twins rock! :)
    ~Shelley Smith


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