
Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Enjoying this place we call home

California is finally drying out after almost floating away with all the rains we've gotten!
However, rains leave some of the most beautiful gifts...a few of which we got to enjoy the other day. 
After school I decided to mix it up a bit and be spontaneous!

{I think a bit of it was guilt for all the time I've been spending on the computer lately.}
So I bundled everyone up and we headed out for a late afternoon hike.
Brrrrr, not to be a wimp or anything, but it was 48 during the DAY,
we aren't used to that!

It was a gorgeous day!
We crossed a creek.
Made a new friend.

Crossed another creek.


Helped an "old" friend.

Talked a lot about moss and spores and fungus.
Needed a little fuel.

And were finally treated to lots of "ooohs" and "ahhhhs".

I'm still learning my new camera. Wish the pics had come out a bit better.
But I didn't get to keep playing around with the settings 'cause my battery died.
Oh well, it let me enjoy the moment a bit more.
And enjoy it I did.

I think we'll be spontaneous a little more often.

Maybe that's a good New Year's resolution? You know, I haven't made one yet. I know a lot of people are "simplifying" or "finding balance"...maybe I'll take a few more detours from the script.

In loving memory of my dear father-in-law. We'll miss you.


  1. May the Force be with DH and all his family

  2. mavis E. ButterfieldJanuary 20, 2011 at 6:47 AM

    Is that Cascade Falls? If you were in Fairfax without telling me, you're in trouble! Let's hit Dawn Falls soon, or better yet, Cateract!

  3. You have a great blog. Popped over from Debbiedoos. And...... your newest Follower. :)


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