
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Boy, am I gonna be sore tomorrow!

My uncle showed up today with this for me:January 2011 010
Yesireeee, a Craftsman Belt Sander.Geeez, I had no idea the strength it takes to operate this thing!  I felt my arms, shoulders, back and abs {my poor bum was feeling left out} working hard as I ran this puppy up and down the boards all afternoon. I’m sure gonna need a massage tonight.

My Restoration Hardware inspired island is officially underway!
In case you’ve missed the last few posts I’ve mentioned the island, here is the picture of the one I’m in love with:
resto island
Theirs one is made from 100 year old reclaimed pine and mine will be made from 100 year old reclaimed oak, with a carerra marble slab top. {Project #2 from my “House Goals for 2011” in case you are keeping track- I can’t do #1 by myself.}

As soon as I got my hands on the belt sander, I ran down to Home Depot to pick up some belt sand paper. I was shocked thrilled to find an employee right away to help me- he was even already in the right aisle! Yay.  So I asked for 100 grit belt paper. After looking for a bit, he determined there was only 80 grit or 120 grit.  I told him a little about my project and said that I’m new at all this and his reply, “I’m new at this too.”  Oh boy. I’ve got 3 kids fighting jumping in and out of the over-sized cart (you know the ones like at Safeway with the whole kid car thing up front) and the employee helping me doesn’t know the difference between 80 grit and 120 grit sand paper. So I grabbed both, did the self-checkout thing, and headed home. 
January 2011 005
I got to work right away!January 2011 007
I was in such a rush to get started, I didn’t even bother finding my own shoes and just slipped on the first pair I saw {thanks DH}.
I started with the 4x4 posts that will be the legs. Here’s a pic of 3 posts sanded with 80 grit and 1 not, so you can compare before/after. It’s pretty ugly before sanding, so I was taking a leap of faith when I bought it.  And it paid off.  I’m sooooo happy with how it is coming out sanded. January 2011 009
The one on the right is not sanded yet {in case you couldn’t tell}
And here are all 4 finished, after using the 80 grit and then another pass {or 10} with 120 grit:January 2011 011
Aren’t they BE-U-TEEE-FUL?
Well, ok, hard to really get a good idea still…I understand if you think they still look a little ugly raw. But man are they SMOOTH.  AHHHHH.
Now I just have another, oh 10 hours of sanding left. {five 8 ft. long 2x8’s for the frame}  Sheesh, am I gonna be in shape by the time I’m done.

I’ll keep ya posted on my progress {no pun intended}!


  1. Hey Girl,
    Do you have some clamps. Try clamping the boards to the saw-horses. Maybe put the saw horses on the lawn. The goal is to make the boards as ridge as possible. When you do the 2x8's try (if you can) to have all the boards on the horses. Try to find a height (your knees are bent) where you are using your body mass and not your arms, but not bent over too much (leverage). As the 80 grit belt is used it will wear out, you might want to do multiple passes on the 2x8's making sure you have a newer belt on the initial pass and then using the worn out belt on later passes.

  2. mavis E. ButterfieldJanuary 13, 2011 at 8:07 AM

    Nice action shots!

  3. You are one tough girl. I never really imagined myself doing things like that.

  4. can't wait to see the finished project!!


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