
Monday, November 1, 2010

Menu Monday: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Short little post today...been taking care of 2 sick babes the last few days, so not much time to blog. But we did manage to carve 3 pumpkins on Halloween, despite a couple of fevers...and we roasted the pumpkin seeds.
Have you ever done that?
Usually we toss all the pumpkin guts into the garbage (you see, canned pumpkin makes great pumpkin pie; so does Costco, for $5.99, can't beat that!)
But this time I decided to show my kids that pumpkins are actually more than just
jack-o-lanterns, they are food too!

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe

Separate the pumpkin seeds from the rest of the pulp as best you can (a little pulp in there just adds flavor)

Rinse the pumpkin seeds in a colander.

Lay the seeds out to dry. 
Don't dry on paper towels!


I told you this was the first time I've done this!!  Next time try using a cookie cooling rack or wax paper to dry them on.

I tossed 1 1/4 cup dry seeds with 1 TBS olive oil and then saturated with pink salt.

Spread out in a single layer (as best you can) on a cookie sheet and bake for about 40 minutes at 300 degrees. Yum!

Other things you could use instead of salt:
  • onion powder
  • garlic powder
  • green can of powdered parmesan cheese
  • Lawry's Season Salt
  • Old Bay Seasoning
  • cayenne pepper
  • Cajun seasoning
  • OH what about cinnamon, sugar and butter (instead of olive oil)
  • or better yet, what about pumpkin pie seasoning and butter?!
Ta Da!

I do have a few more pumpkins left........HUM?!
And you guys were all wondering what I'd do with it.....

Finally, I did a quick internet search for the benefits of pumpkin seeds and found many many articles on the subject. In a nut shell they include:
Prostate Protection
Improved Bladder Function
Depression Treatment
Prevention of Osteoporosis
Natural Anti-Inflammatory
Prevention of Kidney Stones
Treatment of Parasites
Great Source of Magnesium
Lower Cholesterol
Cancer Prevention

Though one other thing I read suggested that roasting them kills a lot of the valuable nutrients, best to eat them raw. Either way, they make a
healthy, yummy snack.
Now, time to go get me a
Pete's Holiday Blend Coffee!
Starbucks Christmas Blend comes out Nov. 15, gotta wait a bit longer for that one.

"May the Force Be With You"

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