
Monday, November 15, 2010

Menu Monday: More Trader Joe's Pumpkin, YUM!

Trader Joe's has more pumpkin yummies in stock. 

Super Premium Pumpkin Ice Cream
 (read: all the fat, but super tasty=worth it)
It was on sample today...and we were shopping at 12:30 the girls and I tried one a few. But I bought it, so that makes it ok!

 Soft Pumpkin Cream Cheese
(again read: all the fat, but super tasty=worth it)

Since they weren't sampling the cream cheese, and remember it was smack dab in the middle of lunch- always a good time to shop with two 3-year olds, we ditched the mini-shopping carts, tore into a bag of whole wheat (that makes up for the fat in the cream cheese!) bagels, used a fork from the ice cream sampling (don't ask me) to cut the bagels in half and
made our own "samples". 
(I think we were in the produce/cheese/bread aisle- that's all one aisle at our store, for seriously 25 minutes! But the rest of the shopping trip was bliss.)

They were such a hit, we had seconds at home.

And now, the kids are in bed:

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