
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin's Back at Trader Joe's!

I, like many others, have a love-hate relationship with Trader Joe's. We all know how one day you can walk in and find your favorite chips discontinued. For instance, my latest mourning is the Challah Bread. I used to buy a loaf of Challah Bread every week for French Toast. One special morning each week was "French Toast Day!" Well, no longer. This holiday season they have replaced their Challah loaf with "Holiday Challah", a round of bread. Update 10/13/10: The Challah Loaf is back! Guess they got enough complaints. The holiday round is gone. So people, it does work, speak up and tell the "Captain" at TJ's what you want them to carry/bring back! I'm sure it tastes the same, but the round shape just doesn't lend itself to perfect slices for French Toast.

So....French Toast Day has been replaced with "Pumpkin Pancake Day"! The Trader Joe's Pumpkin Pancake and Waffle Mix is just one of their many holiday offerings my family loves. This mix has the perfect amount of pumpkin taste and is super sweet- not needing any syrup!

I picked up a couple of boxes when it came out a few weeks ago. First we made pancakes, yum! Then this morning I decided to try the directions for waffles (which is just replacing milk with water). They had the same yummy pumpkin taste as the pancakes, but actually came out a bit too soggy (I like crispy waffles). I will say they are much better as pancakes and we'll stick with that for the next couple months. :-) Overall, these are a family fave we look forward to every fall.

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