
Thursday, October 28, 2010

119 Pounds!

Any guesses???
The weight of the dresser I carried from the garage to the girls' room this afternoon (the one I just finished re-painting)?

NO!  While it felt that heavy, I'm sure it wasn't even close.
The weight of the tulle I used to make the fluffiest tutu a girl ever did see?

NO! But I swear my girls' weigh twice as much when they have it on (pics to come!)

My weight?
Come on, seriously?  Even if it was, would I post it HERE?

The weight of my 3 children combined?
Ok, that's your closest guess yet...but still NO!
They are a whopping 111 pounds combined
The amount of laundry I have built up to do tomorrow this weekend after Halloween!
Give up?
It was my daughter's guess for the
"Guess the weight of the pumpkin contest" 
at Mollie Stone's and "she" was dead on RIGHT!

She had a little help filling out the entry paper.
* know what she WON? 
Come on, you can get this.....
It's not so tough to guess!

It took two employees,

....and a rolling cart to get it out of the store.

It took two guys to load it into my car.

And then 'lil ol' me got it out of the car and settled into its new home.
                                                               Isn't it cute?!

Need perspective of how big a 119 pound pumpkin actually is? The winner is less than 25% its weight at 28 pounds.

Now we're ready for the trick-or-treaters!!!

Happy almost Halloween!

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